Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan Response

In the book Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan he reflects on many points such as the C-4 plan and how corn is a relationship and how they have ethological detectives to check up on the food. Based upon me reading a couple of few pages within the book I was able to realize that half the stuff we eat comes from corn. Half the stuff we eat today we really don’t question into detail where it comes from? What truck or tank basically smashing the ingredients of our food up? Who touches it first when we eat food we never think the real hardcore facts about our food and it think we should. The point where Michael. P talks about how naturalist judges the super market is very true cause if you were to put your self in a naturalist shoes based on the super markets and the food we eat today they would not like it cause everything is made with oil which is bad for you especially how fast food restaurants uses it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Internet Research

From the website:

Healthy fast food: Sub sandwich chains

Healthy fast food: Sub sandwich chains Americans love all types of sandwiches: hot, cold, wrapped, foot long. Usually eaten with a salad instead of fries. The ads promote the health benefits of sandwich shops. Easier said than done... studies have found that many people tend to eat more calories per meal at a sub shop than at McDonald's. This may be because people feel so virtuous eating “healthy” like the ads promise, that they reward themselves with chips, sodas, or extra condiments.

You can make healthier choices at a deli or sub shop but you need to use some common sense.
Subs, Sandwich and Deli Choices

Less healthy choices

1. Foot-long sub
2. High-fat meat such as ham, tuna salad, bacon, meatballs, or steak
3. The “normal” amount of higher-fat (Cheddar, American) cheese
4. Adding mayo and special sauces
5. Keeping the sub “as is” with all toppings
6. Choosing white bread or “wraps” which are often higher in fat than normal bread

Healthier choices

1. Six-inch sub
2. Lean meat (roast beef, chicken breast, lean ham) or veggies
3. One or two slices of lower-fat cheese (Swiss or mozzarella)
4. Adding low-fat dressing or mustard instead of mayo
5. Adding extra veggie toppings
6. Choosing whole-grain bread or taking the top slice off your sub and eating it open-faced

Based on this website we could realize what is healthy and what is not healthy because it gives us a list on what us Americans usually buy when it comes down to subway sandwiches that I like so much and now that I know I what is healthy so i can live a meaningful life.

Refrigerator Assignment

What's your refrigerator?

wonder bread
American cheese
i cant believe its not butter
cool aid
watermelon is seasonal lol

and more

Based on the list that's provided my refrigerator looks empty looks like i need to go grocery shopping if anything. I think compare to everyone they have most likely the same amount of things in regarding if they cant cook nothing they are able to make with their hands. In relation this is how my refrigerator has always been just always packed so that we don't have to worry about running out of food. As a family we all eat in separate rooms. those are my food culture ways.


It's 5:00 am in the morning I m waking up for school you probably wondering like dam that's too early to wake up for some school, well I know i hear it all the time I get up take a shower once I get dress I eat breakfast it is now 6:00 am I go in the kitchen and make an bacon egg and cheese on the bagel to start off my day I know that sounds like allot but its really good once I leave to go to school I always take an fruit to eat when I get to school it's about 6:30 I get on the train time fly by so fast i arrive to school it is now 8:30 in Mr. Manley class as I take out my apple and munch on it everyone looking but the juice from the apple taste delicious.

Its crazy cause once I eat I get hungry once again after like and hour my doctor says i have fast metabolism but i don't see how cause when i eat its not like i m active i real relax and just taking it slow so i don't see how. I cant wait till lunch as i hear my stomach make noise mumbling and growling.

It is now 12:30 I hang out in front of building for a little an then rush to get some food usually I go to subway because it a good way to start the afternoon with some healthy meal such as letus, tomato, cucumber, bread, sauce, and more I usually order chicken terayaki with an Italian bread letus and cucumber which is good I got a variety of different stuff but just can't leave the chicken alone. I otice that I order this allot because i don't want to order nothing that might not satisfied my taste buds like I want it to.

Chicken has become a part of my life because i've became very habitual to it i consume it so many years that pretty much everything i eat has to do with chicken but hey as long as i enjoy the meal that whats matter.

It's 3:10 on my way home from school I order a large fries from McDonald's before i get on the train so i can maintain my hungriness its about 5:30 once I get home i take a nap until it's time for dinner which is like 7:00 because that the time when everyone gets home from work. My grand mother home cooking so she can provide a good meal to satisfied us before we officially go to sleep and prepare for the next day.

dinner is serve spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.
My family doesn't follow the traditional habit of having dinner all together, even though we would like to but it doesn't happen because that's not what we do. We all go in separate rooms watch TV talk have different conversations rather its a topic on what happen during school or at the job jokes that we heard or not we just a typical family who love each other and get along without an fight.

I got to sleep and the CYCLE STARTS AGAIN


I never once heard about May Day until this assignment because I never hear any one talk about or celebrate it come to find out its a holiday that is celebrated in a few different origins of the world such as Europe,Finland,Greece,Ireland,United kingdom,England,Scotland,France,Germany,Americas, Noticed that none of the origins are listed with North America ( United States) because we as Americans don't celebrate it. A similar holiday close to May Day is Labor day is day where people take off and celebrate meaning BBQ and food and get together with family and friends. This is a way we Americans celebrate and have a good meaningful life is by celebrating holidays that are known to us. With all the knowledge we learn everyday I think we should at least know about may day and how important it is to other countries rather than to us, I believe it's important to know a little about the holiday which i m glad i did this assignment.

Worker's holiday first occur in Australia in 1856 s a celebration of the social and economic achievements of the international labor movement. May Day is most common by having organized street demonstrations and street marches by millions of working people and their labor unions throughout most of the countries of the world fighting and protesting about the 8th hour day instead of 12.

The American life is basically live free die hard or work hard and never give up there are many aspects in the American culture that brings up these aspects to live long, and the only way to do that is if was to do that is to good school, work, eat healthy and support family and friends. That's living a meaningful life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grocery Store and Habitual Food

When my family go grocery shopping my grandmother usually by a variety of stuff vegetables, fruits, nuts and all types of spices. So that everyday out the week we can switch up our meals throughout the week. In order to live more meaningful a good way to start is to experience different types of food and experience different types of flavors with our 5 taste buds. I notice that once I try things I usually don't eat I seem to enjoy it more because i m so use to being consume to like chicken rice but once my grandmother switches up the meal i enjoy it better.

The store that my family usually shop at are called Associate or Stop and Shop, these types of grocery stores push there food by having sales, different types of discounts on different foods handing out news paper. One way stores push particular types of products is by having yellow posters or just bright colors to catch our attention in our eye sight, or having the price of the product in a large font so our face expression can drop and be like wow that's cheap so we can buy it. Another way that I notice that stores try to sell their product is by having people test out there food before they decide to buy it, that's a way of bringing in the customers. I believe that's a good way of making your product known when i m in a mall with a food court inside i always test the food out to decide rather if it's good or not. Even though every cook in massive oil but hey That how many corporate message are found on each individual because we listen to what corporate has to say and we do it.

After every meal I eat I always drink water after because that's a way of cleaning your body after all the food as been enter. I really don't depend on a diet pattern because I m not trying to loose weight i m most likely trying to gain weight. So what I do if I don't eat I usually drink a nutriment drink to replace a meal for the day and they having very good types of flavors to choose from to making a good meal such as vanilla,chocolate,strawberry,banana a very good choice variety if you switch up.