Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Food # 8 - Industrial Food

After looking at the video on animal cruelty, a few people around me extended their facial expressions in a disgusting manor as if that they want to stop eating meat because of the video. Although I think I was just as affected by the video an from known experiences by this chicken spot around my way where they cut off the chicken heads and clean them so from looking at the video and walking pass the chicken spot every now then i was able to see and hear the violence that goes on between the animal and human mind is sick but got to face reality hey! you gotta do what you gotta do
Looking at how they treat the chickens and cows last but not least the pigs are just crazy how they hang them, choke them and slice them open. As we eat our food today our least worry is about where it came from? who make sure that any chemicals or pesticides touch our food last? or which human being cruelty abuse the animal that we are forcing into our mouths? aspects like this are not our first intentions to when we are starving.

What we should encounter is that every animal is born to experience life with human nature and provide a family like any other human. However since our food comes from animals they don't experience that life because their life is taking away so easily and so that we can be full. That's why many people become vegetarian because the cruelty that's animals go through just to make our stomach full aren't worth the bite. So they stay away from meat, which is contradicting the dominant food ways around us and the way we eat. Looking at the Meatrix video what i was able to take from it was that in the mid 20's the greedy agri-culture was able to stay in power and we in charge of the factory farms which meant destroying farms that were there growing food the right way, but since corporate messages are such meaningful to us and how each of us once to stay on top. When we do wrong things we hope for good in the long run but it all comes down to the cruelty to the animals. The corporate messages had an impact on the greedy argi culture by having them take over farms and turning them into cruelty shops, not to mention since the agri-culture was greedy they thought as if they could benefit allot of money that comes in and out of there company of making food that we enjoy till this day.

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