Thursday, May 22, 2008


Taj Hall
Starr sting
Cradle to grave

Capitalism is involved with money wealth and profit; capital is a word that is in capitalism that means wealth invested to up wealth, Capitalism is involved with huge amounts of money, to keep capitalism alive the world today it, needs more business. For the people who aren’t a capitalist they stand in like a poor class because they aren’t that rich enough to invest or do something with their money that would top a typical capitalist person.

Capitalism affects us today because everyone that is not rich there are many social classes that may fit there financial problems. Capitalism is all about money wealth and profit it is always going to have an affect on the United States because we all cant be rich there is always going to be down fall that’s why social class is important. When referring to these roles Government policy, Social norms and finally Capitalist. They all have an affect on us.

In society today we have a system of capitalism everywhere in the world is capitalism you cant run a ways from capitalism. We live a capitalism lifestyle. Capitalism affect many adults as they life goes on there are many examples of how capitalism play a role such as getting paid, buying houses, working, paying rent, government, paying for college going to the store, everything that has to with money has affect on adults and many other people in society.

I believe that social class is very important when considering certain families and looking through how they live there life, some families are more lucky than other but the best way to live your life is to strive my personal opinion because you get to go through obstacles the right and wrongs you experience more for example rags to riches most people who are poor and wine up making it to the top are the most successful and knows how to handle situations.

The people who have their life handed to them are successful but they don’t know how to handle certain situations where if they was get rob or anything. This affects capitalism because we get to see how people who start off with nothing and end up with something capitalism can be bad and also good depending on how well you take advantage of it.

Capitalism affect many adults living the life as an adult you think its easy but its not, all adults pay bill that’s a sign of capitalism taking money from you to give to the capital is capitalism. Paying off expensive cars, such as car notes insurance are all signs of capitalism no matter what the situation is capitalism is going to be a part of it. Capitalism is like a big corporation trying to make a hustle of every citizen that works there butt off to feed their family or benefit themselves in life. Capitalism plays a big role in adult’s lives because we are capitalism we live it.

In the world today many young adults including my self don’t pay too much attention to how capitalism controls our life and what we do and how we spend it. Capitalism is everything not one not two everything, capital means the top, someone in charge, capitalism is the same thing but there many people who have money and who feels in charge.

Capitalism hasn’t hit many young adults these days because as long as there parents gives money to them they don’t think about the what ifs or the cause and effect. Looking besides the fact that our parents depends on the jobs the jobs is depended on the hours the hour is depend on the person it’s a cycle.

Many young adults in the world today have this sense of looking at the world as if it was two money vs. solidarity. Many people but Young adults mostly look at the world, as being money, under the word money there is competition, profit, bottom line, quality and rational all these words describes young adults competition is most valuable one in the world today because everyone wants to be on top competition especially in FASHION.

Fashion is a big influence on kids these days not even young adults babies wear pradas, coach shoes, soon as a baby is born he/she wrap around in a true religion towel or something. But if you don’t have a pair of designer jeans then others look at you if you as if you poor or if you not getting “money” that’s how we put it. Capitalism is important without money how would we survive where would we stand.
Without capitalism And the money spent on technology and how young adults have sidekicks and I pods and zunes and I phones all these things are important to us. What if all that stop and capitalism stop spending so much money in electronics how do you think how society would react. Young adults would be all on the same social class their want be no competition because capitalism would have stopped its cycle. Capitalism is very important within our world today because we are made up of money and without capitalism cycle we wont have it.

How has capitalism affect elderly people? Well here are some examples; retirement has played out within many elderly ages. Of course we seem to blame, evolution by letting time fly past us we start to rotten. Retirement has been affecting elderly people more than any other ages because as you get old get more slow and not gain as much energy to make it to work back and forth every day. This affects capitalism because the United States wants people to work so they can take more taxes away from people and make more money, and by elderly people retiring this might have and affect on our economy. Capitalism means MONEY so by something affecting capitalism means affecting money.

Health care is provided to everyone but why does it cost so much? I mean it should be free to keep our fellow Americans working, health care should be the main priority. Usually the older you are if your under a certain health insurance if the medicine too much to pay then capitalism is on your side and actually helps you pay for the medicine you need to live on another day. Capitalism is meant to stay on top of things so in order for the government to stay on top of things, the most important thing is to take care the people first. Majority of medicines today do cost allot of money don’t know why but that’s how capitalism works out.

Social Norms are action and things that we do and that we don’t realize that are appropriate for time and place. Examples of social norms are like picking your nose, farting, burping, spiting constantly and many more, Social are apart of everyone lives we all do something that is weird or is a habit or something we just don’t realize. Social norms affect people around us because if we, if see something or someone, we would want to change it because something is either going to lead up to a problem or we find it annoying. Social norms not only play out in teenagers but it plays a role in every age such as elderly, toddler, and adults. Social norms has affected us but can be fixed. A way capitalism plays a role in America is that most of the people in the world today are fans of capitalism.

In society today people do not think too much about social norms, they most likely just do them. It is more like something their use to doing many people do not say, “Oops I just did a social norm”, and there more likely do the same process over repeatedly. When considering an elderly person there more likely to do everything 3 or 4 times no offense but that is evolution. Looking back to teenage life, they are more worried about fashion then their own health all the kids now a days try some how to keep up with the latest brand or latest sneakers. The difference between elderly is that concentrated on health issues. It is a social norm for them to worry about them selves before anything if you notice.

Living as a teenager social norm is a very big part of life and many other teenagers who live around me. Social norm is obvious but we as teenagers don’t really pay attention a prime example fashion is and will always play a big role with our life because if we don’t catch up with the latest fashion we as young adults look as if we don’t have money, it all depends on the group and person. Many teenagers like to get FRESH and what that means is to have money keep up with up to date clothing brands getting a fresh cut no bummy hairline, and fresh kicks. If you don’t have close to that you probably not going to be down with the crew.

Another social norm that plays apart in our life as young adults, is that we tend to always wake up to go to school it’s a social norm for use to wake up every morning to go to school, we don’t have to but we do so to better our future. That what we have to do a social norm has it role in every little way. Social norms always and will have an affect on us because we cant escape the social norms, its apart of us. Social norms are everywhere. Social norms can affect us negative and positive ways but it all depends on how we take it.

Not to mention but adults also have social norms many adults seem to have responsibilities which turn into social norms cause they constantly do it over and over again. It’s a social norm for females, when they go out they have to get the right dress the right shoes everything has to be right its normal. Social norms are things that are normal but we do it so much it becomes socially apart of our life that’s why till this day now females are always looking good when they go out. Speaking for a male when we go out we has to make sure we are on point nice shoes nice shirt smell good. When adults have kids there main priority is to put their kids first and always it’s a social norm for them to take care there them before themselves. Social norms are good because it takes care things that needs to be done and fix.

Social norms are an everyday thing, for example when voting time is coming up it is a very important social norm for elderly people to vote. I know because my grandmother always makes sure she votes and other people her age. It is a social norm for elderly people to tell long stories about their life back in the 90’s and 80’s to their grand children. Every body grand parents have stories about them growing up that’s just life.

Elderly people are more likely to play lotto more then adults because its easier to when money, when all elderly people do is sit around and do nothing it’s a social norm for them to play lotto and scratch away there life to they see 20,00 appear on the little ticket. Social norms are very important in society today because it give us a chance to see what we done in the past its shows progression within our daily life. Social norms would never stop it will continue forever.

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