Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Exhibition Style Paper"

What came up in class that I thought that was so interesting was that “Andy said what do you think Barrack Obama is going to say or what do you expect him to say and lastly what do we want him to say?"

Throughout many of the speeches that Barrack Obama gave was all about the word “WE the people” or “as I stand here today we will change America with the help from we”
I think that change has come to America ever since Barrack Obama was elected for the president that was a huge accomplishment ever since Martin Luther king had a dream. Even though with out the help, from martin lither king we wouldn’t be in school of the future, sitting here sharing our opinions among with each other so even though MLK fought to solve for segregation he also fought everyone to make a change and that is where I think Barrack Obama took a lead because he believe that America could change with the help from everyone. Back in the 60’s as an African American we were highly treated with no respect, where we struggle to live another day, at one point we couldn’t even vote it was strictly racist, encountering that everyone has a voice, back 60’s it almost seem like our voice didn’t count cause we were black but as I stand here today using the words from Barrack Obama as young African American 18 year old and a first time voter I am proud of the progress that has been made and I think from the help from everyone voting really set a unite feeling to set a mood that we are and we will make a change.

Barrack Obama plays a significant role in the corporate messages. His inauguration speech was was well written because he spoke well and fluently about how we as Americans are bound to make this change in the world. The general facts that we are given from his speeches are that he's willing to what ever it takes to show progression. The importance that we are able to finalize from his speeches is that he is trying to make change for the better and is trying to support and help people in poverty. In a way he is another Martin Luther King because Martin Luther King supported the same things Obama is trying to support. With the support from so many people we were able to gain national unity to become this stronger society, people from all over the world goes to Washington D.C to create this feeling that makes us all feel like we can do something differently no matter what it is. An example of this would be the inauguration. This was a commitment that Barrack Obama had promised the world, he promised the United States that there would be change with the support from foundations,programs, and people who put there heart and soul to push this idea of change. With this idea of change people believe that things will get better as time progresses, but what some people dont understand is that the change wont come as quick as they want it to because for good things to happen it takes time and help from everyone not only one person.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the civil right movement he had a big impact in our lives and how we see things today, it makes us as the people think more deeply on how the world would be if Martin Luther King didn't didn't do things he felt he needed to change. He thought there shouldn't be no more segregation and that we should come together and make one. Martin Luther King felt as if no matter what color you were we should unite and come together. Martin Luther King had on an influence on many people prime example Barrack Obama. Martin luther King speech about I have a dream, is very meaningful to many lives today including mines. If you notice the media always play the speech from i have a dream what the media don't know is that the 10 min before i have dream is what makes up the whole speech.

Throughout life we all individuals trying to find the right path to live a meaningful life with the help from holidays, traditional beliefs, rituals, religions and more, we are able to come to together and help each other succeed. We questions ourselves ever day what makes us happy or what can we do differently to enhance our lives to make it more meaningful thirdly if i go shopping would this make my life more meaningful, all types of aspects pops up in our head but the fact is that we should over come obstacles and just live our life. To be part of the American life it's an obligation to celebrate holidays that we enjoy the most or even more so that we hate but still try to focus on the positive side. with the help from holidays its just another way to bring coporate and marginal message into pop culture

Black Friday post

On the day of Black Friday I did not shop, only because this year I really didn’t want anything, I felt that I had everything I wanted. So waking up in the morning fighting to get in line was not a concern for me. Our culture rituals are that when stores have major sales its means time to shop till you drop. For some people this day is an important day because it gives them a chance to buy stuff they couldn't’t afford before but since black Friday is full of sales people are able to buy what they want. Black Friday is an obligation for some people and that’s what makes there life more meaningful having something they always and finally buying it a price they thought they couldn’t buy before. Remember we live in a world full of consumers so making money and spending money is cultural ritual for them. Last year, black Friday I did shop It felt meaningful because it was great experience and I was able to get what I wanted for the time being. So we are able to see a pattern when there is something you always wanted and black Friday drops the price down your bound to become apart of the consumers team. For some people I believe its meaningful for some people but it all depend on the reason some buy for Christmas and some just buy for the hell of it.

Thanksgiving post

My thanksgiving was really good, ate allot of food got to catch on family issues, saw friends and was able to come together as one without any arguments or disagreements it was very meaningful for me. Genocide has never and I don’t think it would ever come up in a thanksgiving dinner discussion. Since my family does celebrate thanksgiving genocide is our least worry, for families who don’t celebrate thanksgiving are the ones who bring up the topic or value what happen within the day about genocide. This culture ritual is only meaningful to certain families because each family is different and were brought up different. I am glad that my family celebrates thanksgiving because all the food I get to eat think about it? if you was family who didn’t celebrate you would not be eating all the food. By the way I was brought up I say by far my life is meaningful.

Christmas post