Monday, November 17, 2008


In the world today many advertisements, play a big role because that's a way of selling corporate messages we don;'t really see the real meaning, what i mean is by that, is there trying to get us in debt for some of the people in the world allot of the deals we get offer sounds great but for some people they know they wont be able to keep up with paying bills and etc. we just pay attention to what is shown to us many of the websites today are colorful to keep us alert many of the messages are in like a neon colors to attract our attention. It's also like we are being control by the pictures and quotes. Many cell phone companies such as Verizon, t-mobile, AT&T also having a special way of showing corporate messages by making offers to our best ability. We as the people are always trying to get the best deal, so they try to sell us the best phones for example "if u don't save up and get our company bundle pack" your not associated with culture, your not down with the brown, your not apart of the community your a lame and will never be apart of society. They don't actually make you feel that way but that's their way of making people left out, until u buy their product. That hows corporate messages get our minds by offer something that we like to hear and putting it in words and pictures and that what attracts us.

Second example of how to live a meaningful life is to stay healthy be fit, don't be fat, fat is a worse thing you could be now a days that's what corporate messages provide us in the world today. Many commercials make people feel that way because their either fat or just not in the best shape. For example commercials that show before and after pictures make people feel like o I could do that I could make that effort let me call 1800-674-FIT. Allot of the media websites set out examples of how to stay fit like be beautiful look like Hilary Duff or eat right I looked at this website on 11/18/2008.. This is a clear example soon as you enter the website in big colorful letters it says to " LOOKING GOOD CALIFORNIA WITH HILARY DUFF GREAT CONTESTS AND HEALTHY LIVING TIPS OR TEENS". Under the title it has famous people all around the world, who agree with the looking good for future out come. The website site it self wants us to acknowledge the message by having other famous people below to back up the message.

Third example I would like to point out are the dominate and marginal messages, That apply to media. In order to get a full understand what dominate messages are, they are messages that make you feel about yourself like loss weight commericals eat health, HAVE NICE ABS, be popular, There messages that we recognized every day. Marginal messages are messages that we rarely see but intimidates other sub cultures. Some examples of dominate messages that we are able to see every day are through out movies to be this idea of the Best having money is the best way to live your life, or have the most friends stay popular stay on top. There are so many dominate messages that could be mention, the reason why think dominate messages or are recognized are because every day something new happens and people are able to make something dominate about it. Marginal message seem only to come up once in a blue moon because they are rarely recognized we only see marginal messages when you disect message and see the clear meaning of what it actually means. Some examples of marginal messages that i was able to observe were the Matrix, Tupac shakur-Changes, Fight Club are examples of marginal messages.

Since there are all types of corporate messages in the world it would be hard to categorized them all, but as i look an analyzed each of the messages they all fall in a category of trying to stay healthy, get rich or die trying, be popular, be the best, stay on top and finally live a meaningful life/just live your life.

Movies that were recently viewed were, Pump Up the Volume , Fire fox and lastly Fight Club, and Chicken Run through these movies were many marginal dominate and prohibited messages that were express through out words and emotions. In the movie fight club the messages that stood out to me the most were when Brad Pit said " Consumers are objects to lifestyle obsession" which is very true because we all love to do is shop spend money and etc. We are all consider as consumers whatever the media sell us we buy but is that a meaningful way to live having designer name on underwear, having 500 TV channels is this the best way to live for some us yes it is because we are consumers ready to spend money on stuff we don't need or to entertained us as life goes on day by day. This connects to marginal messages because we live in a world full of products ready to be sold this obligation of money is need for living a good life. Without money or the dumb stuff we buy today that we don't need what some us don't see is that we need to put it to something that might benefit us in the long run we worried but we worried about having the most fresh kicks or even having up to date electronics and etc.

In the movie Pump up the volume, it's very original before the movie even starts they show items that are out of the ordinary stuff that people don't buy Hard Harry the main person in the movie likes name brand stuff people never heard thats he's way of being different in society examples that showed this was tapes not even cd's that were produce by authors names that are hard to pronounce are never thought of. Beng different from soceity makes you stand out cause other look at you to hero, or even so a person to look up to, to start a new trend.

In the movie Chicken Run you can see the different types of social class that were showed in the movie such as the chicken was in the lower class being controlled by the higher class which were the people who owned the chickens and of course the middle class which was the dogs.

Trampled Wal-Mart worker post

It is ridiculous that people are running over people just for merchandise they don’t need, half the stuff we buy today we don’t even use today. So for someone to run over some and not even bother to help them back up, it’s crazy I think. We are all greedy consumers and because of our actions take over, we feel the need to buy every item; however we don’t pay attention to others even if it cause someone to get trampled over. This is a prime of example of how we live today, we are so caught up with buying new electronics, clothes and jewelry that we don’t buy stuff we need. We live with merchandise we don’t need when we could give it away to someone else to use it to their benefit. Our culture is full of consumers and black Friday proves that. Living in a capitalist society this is what happens we tend to spend money instead of saving.

Black Friday/BND post

On the day of Black Friday I did not shop, only because this year I really didn’t want anything, I felt that I had everything I wanted. So waking up in the morning fighting to get in line wasn’t a concern for me. Our culture rituals are that when stores have major sales its means time to shop till you drop. For some people this day is an important day because it gives them a chance to buy stuff they couldn’t afford before but since black Friday is full of sales people are able to buy what they want. Black Friday is an obligation for some people and that’s what makes there life more meaningful having something they always and finally buying it a price they thought they couldn’t buy before. Remember we live in a world full of consumers so making money and spending money is cultural ritual for them. Last year, black Friday I did shop It felt meaningful because it was great experience and I was able to get what I wanted for the time being. So we are able to see a pattern when there is something you always wanted and black Friday drops the price down your bound to become apart of the consumers team. For some people I believe its meaningful for some people but it all depend on the reason some buy for Christmas and some just buy for the hell of it.

Thanksgiving post

My thanksgiving was really good, ate allot of food got to catch on family issues, saw friends and was able to come together as one without any arguments or disagreements it was very meaningful for me. Genocide has never and I don’t think it would ever come up in a thanksgiving dinner discussion. Since my family does celebrate thanksgiving genocide is our least worry, for families who don’t celebrate thanksgiving are the ones who bring up the topic or value what happen within the day about genocide. This culture ritual is only meaningful to certain families because each family is different and were brought up different. I am glad that my family celebrates thanksgiving because all the food I get to eat think about it? if you was family who didn’t celebrate you would not be eating all the food. By the way I was brought up I say by far my life is meaningful.