Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meaningful project

Analysis Insight Questions

Taj Hall 09/18/2008
History D-4


What have you included in this Video?

I included everything that was meaningful to me, like hobbies things I did with my family, pets, chilling with friends making some kind of movement. I included many things with my family because my family comes first and that means allot to me so I cherish allot of moments with them. I included types of music I listen to everyday because it’s meaningful to me, the music I listen to keeps me going everyday and music plays a role in my life. I included something I wanted to do as a career I want to have my own clothing store making all the best types of t-shirts, so I included some examples that is similar to my t-shirts that I would make in the future.

What parts of the video related to relatively meaningful aspects of your life?

Well getting up every morning of my life knowing that I am I still in the world today means allot to me I lost many of my friends because either drugs violence or etc. During the summer I work which was one of my main aspects in the world today to get motivated and head in a positive direction, especially living in capitalist society money involves everything. Doing things over the summer was very meaningful to me but might be different to someone else.

What would you have liked to included but weren’t able to?

I would have like to included more things that I wish I have token a picture of but didn’t so that I cud show more aspects to the way I see my life being more meaningful. I would have like to included more pictures of where I am from to represent where I live which is Queens and I would have like to show that Far Rockaway isn’t all that bad, I would have took pictures of the summer youth program showing that these kids today trying to do the right thing with their lives.

What seem to be some of the main criteria you use (emotionally, +/or mentally) to assess how meaningful aspect of your life is?

I use allot of exciting moments of my life because those were the most meaningful moments. I feel that the most exciting moments of my life brings out my personality because when I get old in age I cud share with my kids that I did something meaningful with my life and not have a meaningless. I had some sad moments of my life that were meaningful to, because for people who have past such as friends and family and etc losing someone in your life knowing that you not going to see them ever again, is meaningful because you think about the times yall spent together and made the best of it.

What’s going on with your way of life? What seems to be the general pattern or direction or point or situation?

The only pattern that I see within my life is that I am going to school making something meaningful out of it to help me in the future to have a better successful future.
My life is going very good so far I just wish I had a job that would pay me good money and what I mean is a job that pay like 18 and up and hour jobs but otherwise that I am doing good.

Looking at the video as a whole- is it honest /accurate depiction of your life?

Looking as it as whole I think it’s accurate because if it weren’t then that would mean I wish my life was like this or in some case, similar to something else. My life is exactly similar to the movie I made just that I didn’t take pictures of my everyday life aspects at every second.

Does your life seem meaningful from an outside perspective? Is it from an inside perspective? Why?

My life seems more meaningful looking through the outside because the aspects I experience is from the world today and with out the world I wouldn’t have certain achievements to show my accomplishment so by looking at my life from a outside perspective makes me visualize and realize that everything going good within my life.

What questions do you have about living a meaningful life at this point?

I have No questions