Friday, June 6, 2008

Government policy is when important people come together and form some kind of effort showing that they care for society and trying to help and provide us some help to make our community a better place or even a better country. Government policy has affect on adults because of welfare, this is really important because people who have jobs and work really hard the Government, still takes out taxes out there pay check.

This might really have an affect on each individual because some people might not have allot of money and for people to work over time and all this extra hard work it really doesn’t pay off because when The government still takes out taxes. It feels like you did not work as hard as you think you did. Many adults live under welfare like social security, child support, child support is important in reality because the government sees it like if you gradually separate your wife or husband. If you get divorced or leave and that child and it is rightfully yours and you don’t show no parenting, feeding, buying clothes, making sure you child get what it deserves, then the government has that right to be able to make you pay child support you have no choice rather you like it or not this would be no discussion IT’ IS THE GOVERNMENT POLICY.

Another example of government policy is that people do crimes they automatically go to jail and depending on the crime; they’re either sentence to whatever time the judge says or on probation. For most of the crimes today many people go straight to seeing the judge because that’s the policy. When people park in the wrong areas on the street, each and ever is bound to get ticket, all you have to do is park in the right places or don’t drive at all. So many people complain about the government doing this and that, but the only way things going to change if someone does something about and Obama and Hilton are the ones who are trying to make a change. Once something set as government policy its hard change.

In the world today many people think the government does all this bad stuff you got to think outside the box even though majority of the time, the government makes bad decisions, but the otherwise the government pros are that they set out allot of programs for teenagers and kids so that they have something to do instead of getting into trouble, with drugs and violence.
The government makes these summer programs, boys and girls club, and Y.M.C.A, and lastly PAL all these programs have been around for years and that’s a way to show society that’s how the government cares. No to mention theses programs really help out like they have many activities like basketball tournaments that my self have participated in many times.

Government policy doesn’t affects teens as much as adults because we don’t have many bills to pay only our cell phone bill for some of us. But it really kills when your adult that’s why so many people hate the government and what they do sometimes don’t make any sense. Government does look out for many teens, because teens are more sexual active then adults. Speaking for teens there got to be at least 20 new born babies a day because of sexually active teens, now since the government so call cares about us we have pass the law for abortion and have many programs through school to keep there baby safe and well taking care of. While teens are getting their education.

Summer youth jobs contributes to government policies because they allowed Teens who didn’t get a job for the summer to actually contribute to the community and help out things that need to be done. Summer youth jobs are good it give each individual teen to actually have experience for future careers that they want to succeed in.

Government policy affects kids either organizing them through catholic schools and public school, some parents prefer private so that they can focus more so they can constrate. But some parents prefer public because they don really care or they just send them to school cause they know what needs to be done. Government policy really doesn’t have an affect because they don’t know too much about it when they’re young.

How does government policy affect elder, well here why when you turn a certain age like 65 the government forces you to quit your job. I believed that’s wrong because I think everyone should work according to however they long as they live, but since it’s a government policy no one can change that. Social security is very important when connecting it to elderly people because its wrong to go into someone check and take out taxes, when taking out taxes the government rightfully go within your check and depending on balance they take away a certain amount which I think it’s wrong the government should pay the whole amount as we the people work for.